Saturday, February 19, 2011

Fried fish with chili sauce (Thai style)

I've been trying a lot of recipes through the net lately but never really managed to update. So this is one of the most recent recipes I tried, and it is good!

In this recipe, I reduced the amounts of ingredients due to only using two fish fillets. I think I shouldn't have skimped on the garlic though!

How I altered the recipe was using 6 cloves of garlic, 10 birds eye chilies, one red chili and a tablespoon of brown sugar with a tablespoon of Thai chili sauce by Kimball. Used the Tamarind paste and fish sauce as directed. Do not alter the fish sauce and tamarind in a Thai dish: it really changes the taste. The same goes for Malay dishes (as for the tamarind). Learnt it the hard way for other recipes.

It may be a tad hot for some (including me :P ), but it hit my hubby's spot.

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