Monday, April 19, 2010

Hainanese Chicken Rice

Speaking of Hainanese Chicken Rice (yes I spelled it wrong before), I tried the recipe in The Star Online's Kuali. I had doubts about the chicken as Malays like their chicken fried crisp, but it turned out lovely.

I did omit screwpine leaves (due to my forgetful nature); the rice is still okay without it. But substituting light soy sauce with regular soy sauce is a big mistake! It was still nice but the regular soy sauce drowns the flavour of the chicken. I did not make the ginger dipping sauce due to lack of time.. I might try that next time.

Otherwise if you think this is too cumbersome, try Mak Nyonya's Chicken Rice Sauce. The rice is outstanding on its own!

Hainanese Chicken Rice (by Amy Beh)


For the rice
3 cups (600g) Thai fragrant long grain rice
2 tbsp chicken skin with fat
2 tbsp water
2cm piece ginger, lightly smashed
2 cloves garlic, lightly smashed
1–2 tsp salt or to taste
3½ cups or enough reserved chicken stock (or water with 1 tbsp chicken stock powder added to it)
2 pandan or screwpine leaves, shredded and knotted

Pak Cham Kai (Chicken steeped in stock)
1 whole chicken
Enough water (for boiling)
1 thumb-sized piece of ginger, crushed
4–5 cloves garlic, peeled and lightly smashed
1 tsp salt

Chilli garlic sauce for dipping
10 fresh red chillies
2cm piece ginger
4 cloves garlic
1/4 tsp salt
Juice of 2 calamansi limes
2 tbsp reserved chicken stock

Ginger sauce for dipping
75g ginger
6 cloves garlic
1/2 tsp salt
Juice of 2 calamansi limes
2 tbsp preserved chicken stock
Light soya sauce for chicken
1½ tbsp garlic oil
1½ tsp sesame oil
5 tbsp light soy sauce
1½ tbsp sugar or to taste
3 tbsp water

Fresh coriander leaves
Sliced spring onion
Sliced cucumber


To prepare the rice, wash it in several changes of water until the water runs clean and clear. Heat wok and add chicken fat and 2 tablespoons water. Bring to a low simmering boil until oil is released from the fat. Add ginger, garlic and fry well. Remove and discard the chicken fat then add in rice and salt to mix. Stir fry briskly for 1–2 minutes. Transfer all the ingredients into an electric rice pot. Add water or chicken stock and pandan leaves. Cook until rice turns dry and fluffy. Stir through just before serving.

To prepare the chicken, bring enough water to boil in a large pot. Put the chicken into the pot. Lower the heat and cook for 10–15 minutes uncovered. Turn off the flame and cover the pot. Allow the chicken to cook for 20–25 minutes. Remove the chicken from the pot and immerse it in a basin of cold water for 5–6 minutes. Next, take the chicken out of the basin of cold water and drain on a colander to dip dry before cutting up into serving pieces. Arrange in a serving plate and garnish with spring onion and coriander leaves and cucumber slices.

To prepare the chilli garlic sauce, blend all sauce ingredients in an electric blender. Adjust seasoning by adding salt and sugar to taste. Use immediately or store in a sealed jar until required. For the ginger sauce, combine all the ingredients in an electric blender and whiz. Serve immediately or store in a sealed jar until required. Next, combine all ingredients for the light soya sauce in a small saucepan. Heat the mixture until the sugar dissolves then set aside to cool before use.

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